Archive for April, 2011

Reclaiming the Absence of the Fair Share and Justice: : Key forces of advancing democracy struggle in Thailand.

April 25, 2011

Source of photo: Giles Ji Ungpakopr’s fabe book photo album

Source of photo: Giles Ji Ungpakopr’s fabe book photo album

Climate of “WAR” Zone
As the election is supposed to be happening in June 2011.
It seems there are increasing crisis inside Thailand:

1. The increasing use of the Lese Majeste Law against the pro democracy movement and intellectuals

2. The in creasing crash of Thai Military and Cambodia military in the northeastern border

3. The increasing mobilization of the military coup in performing their military rehearsal and weapon to show their royalty to the current institutions

4. The increasing of the anti election and ultra royalist yellow shirts in calling boycott election and also threatening others with Lese Majeste law

5. Increasing of social engineering of creating mass fears in the coming back of coup and arrest or use of Lese Majeste law to suppress anyone who speak about the relationship of the military, the current regime and the monarchy institution

6. The implement /retain of security law to curb peaceful assembly and gathering in the key rally locations in Bangkok areas.

7. The mobilizations of all civilians forces, ranging from -yellow shirts, red shirts and state agencies etc all are increasing

With all these trends, you will wonder this country is going towards a peaceful , free and fair national election? The possibility of reconciliation? The improvement of state of human rights and democracy?

All these seems to be a BIG QUESTION MARK for many of us who closely watch on the situation inside Thailand..

This climate seems to make/prepare for another WAR zone like atmosphere and creating hostility within each other in the society.

Perhaps the master mind of psychology warfare is aiming to increase the climate of the anger, hatred, hostile, mistrust and revolt.

Why a country which had faced years of conflict, the climate of national election is being engineering towards such atmosphere? What is the real intention?

Therefore, we urge you to take very close watch on the situation, as we know that if there is another crackdown/bloodshed/ is going to happen. It will be definitely the returning of another coup run country – alike before year 1992 in Thailand.

From the past political history and track record of these military forces and its allies, It is something not impossible to repeat .

As the military forces is still the key dominance power forces in this country with the back up of the monarchy , political elites and bureaucrats who don’t wish their system to be collapsed

Underlying root causes of discontent

In the same time, there are increasing awareness of the majority poor rural and urban working class, new generation of young people, intellectual, active conscience civilians who are taking part actively in voicing out their demands for true democracy and social justice to be in place in this country. These had caused tremendous fears on these old forces who now realized their old rhetoric of “Nationalism Religion and Monarchy” is starting to fade away.

The new people movement version of slogan call upon: “Freedom, People democracy, Justice, Equal opportunity ” has indeed frightened these elites. The voices of the masses reclaiming their rights of equal opportunity to share the cake of the nation is increasing.

This is a big leap in the democracy in Thailand today.We witness the birth of the class consciousness within this society, especially the common people and the poor.

This awareness will be important as democracy struggle and movement need to be really relevance to the real needs of the common civilians, especially the majority poor in this nation.. How would democracy able to be relevance to their real issues facing in their life.

As international community, we need to watch closely and realize that the struggle of masses are rooted into a strong aspiration of calling for justice, social justice that has been, missing in their life for centuries long..
Here you can see the current world bank report show that Thailand, one of Asia’s most unequal countries, the ratio is 15:1.. Read more:

Therefore, it is an illusion perception to regards the red shirt masses are all “buffalo” (this is a insult language that is used by the elites who they regards their up country men/women.) that are being paid by Thaksin or blindly
participated in the mass struggle for democracy. These people are awakening from their roots of poverty and starting to reclaim their fair share in this society , This is the real reason that making up the resistance forces and its frightening those elites and power to be.

Just like the famous slogan of revolution of the oppresses class:
“ We have nothing to loss. As we have own nothing”

Source of photo: Giles Ji Ungpakopr’s fabe book photo album

Source of photo: Giles Ji Ungpakopr’s fabe book photo album

Clinging to impermanence and emptines

April 23, 2011

Our dualistic thoughts always cause us to reject to let go things, matters and people, feeling that we love

Our dualistic thoughts always cause us to hate/reject things, matters and people/feeling that we hate

We just swing between love and hate that we cling to

The emotions are alike the wind – keep changing to all directions

Sufferings and happiness alike the twin

Twin of making us unable to liberate from the unstable stage of mind

Keep making illusionist thoughts of life

Clinging to impermanence and emptiness

Refuge Home

April 10, 2011
sources: Sherab Wong's photo

sources: Sherab Wong's photo

Whenever I look at your face…
My heart is feeling the pains

The pains hide inside your heart….
Far deep inside…..

The pains of yours
It is also the pains of mine

sources: Sherab Wong's photo

sources: Sherab Wong's photo

Whenever I look at the sky…
I think about you……
Are you also watching at the same sky?

The border less space of sky……
Yet there is no space for you
No space for your safe refuge

sources: Sherab Wong's photo

sources: Sherab Wong's photo

I wish I can find you a home
So you can take refuge in this safe home……

I pray to Buddha
May you able to find the refuge home for your body, mind and soul……..

Cry for justice, freedom and love : In memory of the April-May 2010–Massacre in Bangkok, Thailand

April 8, 2011

I heard you were screaming,,,
You were crawling on the street…
Your body was filled with blood….

Pains were so unbearable…
How could we use any words to describe the pains?
It was deep inside the heart ,
Inside the blood…..

I heard again you were screaming
Calling for justice and freedom for your beloved nation…
I saw your tears
Tears and blood melted together….

This is the beloved homeland
The mother land that has nurture you
The mother land that belongs to freedom

Yet, the freedom is in imprisonment now
The people are being jailed
Bodies of patriots were spread all over the street…….

I heard you were crying….
Cry for freedom and justice
Cry for true love for this nation…..

I know…
The cry for justice, freedom and love for this land and its people will never stop
It will continue generation to generation
Till the land and its people are truly being freed

Trinley Chodron
7 April 2011

Pls: This poem is dedicated to those democratic patriots who are being in jailed, in exile and also being massacred in the last April-May 2010 massacre in Bangkok, Thailand..
My Deepest solute to them.

May those who have lost in their paths are able to awake from their ignorance
Those who misused of Buddha dharma for suppressing its people and power. May their minds are returning to the Buddhadharma
a .

A couple came on stage, holding images up of their dead son – Terdsak Kungjinjan – who was killed at Kor Hua on 10 April last year-Source: