Archive for July, 2009

Rumah Terbuka Gerakbudaya- 8 Ogos 2009

July 22, 2009

Gerakbudaya’s Open House – August – Celebrating Independence Rumah Terbuka Gerakbudaya- 8 Ogos 2009

Host: Gerakbudaya

Date: Saturday, August 8, 2009

Time: 9:00am – 11:30pm

Location: Gerakbudaya Street: 11, Lorong 11/4E 46200 City/Town: Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Phone: 0193893804 / 03- 795 78342



(you may find the map)


Rumah Terbuka Gerakbudaya- Ogos – “merayakan kemerdekaan”

‘Buku Indo untuk ‘perjuangan’ & sembang santai’

Aturcara program
9 pagi sampai lewat – Jualan buku

8 malam – 11 malam – Sembang santai ‘Tiada kiri, jangan harap Malaya Merdeka’

Untuk siri yang pertama, kami memilih buku-buku yang kami import khas dari penerbit-penerbit buku tersohor Indonesia di dalam bidangnya seperti Yayasan Obor, Komunitas Bambu, Balai Kajian dan Pengembangan Budaya Melayu, Resist Book dan beberapa yang lain sebagai barang dagangan yang akan dijual dengan harga istimewa, juga buku-buku bernuansa kiri.

Selain daripada itu, kami juga akan memberikan diskaun istimewa untuk buku-buku baru yang tidak akan diperoleh pada waktu-waktu biasa melainkan pada hari acara ini berlangsung.

Meneruskan tradisi, judul-judul buku tertentu akan diberi secara percuma untuk tetamu yang hadir.

Sembang santai ‘Tiada kiri, jangan harap Malaya Merdeka’
Masa : 8 malam – 11 malam

Sudah menjadi kelaziman sang pemerintah berkuasa di mana-mana untuk menulis sejarah mengikut versi mereka dan meminimalkan atau menidakkan sama sekali sumbangan pihak yang lain. Malaysia juga tidak terkecuali dengan buku teks rasmi sekolah yang secara terancang menghitamkan segala yang berkaitan dengan gerakan kiri, apatah lagi komunis.

Bersempena dengan bulan kemerdekaan negara, kami dengan rasa hormatnya menjemput anda semua untuk hadir berdikusi tentang sumbangan gerakan kiri di dalam proses mendapat kemerdekaan negara bersama dua panelis yang kita jemput khas iaitu;

1) Saudara Hishamuddin Rais – NGI &, pengarang buku “Pilihan Raya atau Pilihan Jalan Raya”, “Keganasan, Penipuan & Internet” & bekas aktivis mahasiswa tahun 70 an

2) Saudara Lee Ban Chen – kolumnis di Malaysiakini & bekas aktivis kesatuan sekerja & parti buruh tahun 60 an

Sila hadir beramai-ramai, hidangan nasi lemak yang enak juga akan disediakan khas untuk tetamu yang datang. Terima kasih.

Tentang Rumah Terbuka Gerakbudaya

Rumah Terbuka Gerakbudaya merupakan satu hari di mana kami akan mengadakan jualan istimewa dengan pemberian diskaun pada harga buku-buku yang kami terbit dan edarkan. Kami merancang untuk mengadakan siri rumah terbuka tiga (3) kali setahun dan diakhiri dengan acara yang bersifat tahunan iaitu Jualan Akhir Tahun.

Kami akan memilih tema-tema khas mengikut subjek buku yang kami tawarkan untuk setiap rumah terbuka yang dianjurkan, seperti contoh buku politik, buku Indonesia, buku Islam dan sebagainya.

elain daripada itu, kami juga akan menganjurkan sembang santai untuk berwacana hal-hal tertentu yang menjadi bahagian dari Gerakbudaya.

Segala pertanyaan sila emel ke atau hubungi Zulhabri di 019-389 3804

GB Gerkabudaya

The Last Memoir of Abdullah C.D : The Struggle At The Border and the Honorable Peace Accord

July 22, 2009


The latest published of the final memoir of the Abdullah C.D .(President, Communist Party of Malaya) finally come to a crucial point of explaining another key historical fact of the political history of Malaysia which was always being misinterpreted and unknown.

Especially, the actual reason of Communist Party of Malaya continued the struggle at the border of Malaysia and Thailand (after the end of 1950) and till the Hadyai peace accord was signed in the year 1989.

The historical fact is not only ONE version, especially only monoploy by the “state” or “colonial master” version. To respect the patriots of all parties who had  sincerely contributed to the national building of Malaysia today. We need to honestly face  the truth :  there is another “fact” and “truth” that many of us are not aware and not being mentioned in our history text book  at the school.

If the government of today want to re write the history text  book l. Please donot make another LIE again. As we are know living in a “Merdeka -Malaysia”- No more  colonised Malaya!

May wisdom always arise in the mind of those who wants to rewrite the text book for our children.Teach them to face history with honesity and openness. Not with great lie.



You may purchase the book via any major bookstores of Malaysia or contact the publisher:

Here is the summary of the book: (Malay version)
Memoir Abdullah C.D. (Bahagian Ketiga): Perjuangan di Sempadan dan Penamatan Terhormat
ISBN: 9789833782802
Author: Abdullah C.D.
Publisher: SIRD
Year: 2009
No of Pages: 407
Product ID: 436

Di masa silam, kawasan sempadan yang merupakan kawasan strategik perang gerila pernah menjadi sandaran belakang perang-perang patriotik anti-British seperti Perang Bahaman di Pahang (1891-1895), Perang Tok Janggut di Kelantan (1915) dan Perang Haji Abdul Rahman di Terengganu (1928). Rakyat kedua-dua belah perbatasan tersebut adalah dari ras dan rumpun yang sama iaitu rumpun Melayu. Datok Bahaman dan beberapa pemimpin perang itu bersemadi di negera jiran tersebut.”
“Perjuangan di kawasan sempadan telah menempa pasukan Rejimen Ke-10 menjadi sebuah pasukan yang benar-benar teguh dan tabah memperjuangkan cita-cita kemerdekaan. Di akhir tahun 1950-an hingga awal 1960-an, pasukan bersenjata TPNM di kawasan sempadan dilanda awan mendung kecenderungan memberhentikan perjuangan bersenjata. Akan tetapi kerana asas perjuangan dan sokongan massa rakyat kawasan sempadan yang begitu mengkagumkan terhadap Rejimen Ke-10, kecenderungan negatif tersebut telah disanggah dengan semangat yang tinggi oleh para kader dan perajurit Rejimen Ke-10 sehingga pasukan pahlawan ini muncul sebagai pemegang panji perjuangan yang paling teguh….”
“Pada 2 Disember 1989, sekali lagi kawasan sempadan telah menciptakan satu sejarah, sejarah perdamaian besar yang menamatkan konflik bersenjata peninggalan penjajahan British yang bermula dari Jun 1948. Terciptanya perdamaian tersebut telah membawa keamanan dan perdamaian untuk Malaysia dan kawasan sempadan Thailand – Malaysia.”

For more reference of another first and second memoir of Abdullah C.D:
Can refer to:

No Evils Can Harm The Power of Compassion Heart

July 8, 2009

A friend of mine had sent me an sms message tonight to remind me. The full moon is very beautiful tonight.
When I stared at the full moon tonight from my apartment balcony, its reminded me again the full moon I saw in Rembau two weeks ago.

Someone I met unexpected in a friend’s house who was very ill due to his cancer. He passed away last Thursday. He appeared in my life and gave me a lesson of deeply appreciate and realize the meaning of compassion and about sufferings.

It was strange that I was actually making aspiration prayer at the first night when I arrived this friend’s house located at the country side and surrounded by trees. That night, the sky was so beautiful. The sky was full of shinning stars and I saw a star which was the one signified the wish fulfilling stars. Yet, some people says, this stars signified someone near to you will pass away., while I saw the star appeared. I deeply wish all sentient beings are able to be liberated from its root of sufferings and gain the cause of happiness. Especially the place am visiting now.

During this short period of my stay, this patient was so happy able to talk to us. As I could feel deep in his heart that he was not too ready facing death, even though he kept telling he will die soon. His inner fears of death caused him kept looking for people to talk in order to relief his inner deep home sick feelings. He drew a picture that showed his family and inner feeling of missing them.

In one point, he was actually fainted in front of me and another dharma sister when we were alone at home.
Out of panic and not knowing what we could do, as we were not the doctor nor the therapist.
So, we started the prayers for him. He kept telling us that he was very pain and going to die. In front of such sufferings, I couldn’t stop my tears when I did the prayers for him. The sufferings of sickness and death was right in front of me so vividly! I never able to be aside with my parents when they passed away. This patient was infect the first person I encountered vividly in front me. Witnessed a person who was full of deep paint, regret of not doing enough things in life, also innerly the heart still embodies all types of attachment feelings and emotions upon death near to him. All thoughts appeared within his mind and caused him felt more sufferings. Especially when we know that death was approaching us, yet we still have so much attachments and emotion clinging that cannot be let go.

Some of my friends who later knew that I and another dharma sister were actually stayed in the same room with him for hours making the prayers. They started to warn us about the spirits, debtors spirits of him or bad energy etc that will harm us because we tried to relief him. I was so shocked to hear this advise even they were actually concern about my wellbeing. Somehow, I knew from the moment I decided to do the prayer for him, my mind and heart will be filled with compassion. Even my health is not so good as well. But I trust the teaching of Buddha and my master.

There is no evils can harm someone whose heart and mind is rooted with pure compassion .
I deeply trust the power of compassion
And our prayers dedicated to liberate all sufferings sentient beings to be liberated from their roots of sufferings and gain happiness. So, I have done no harm to anyone. What fears shall I have? In front a helpless and deep sufferings sentient being that is going to die, do I need to feel fear?

Yes, maybe I will be infected by viruses or bacteria or etc of the sick person as people may claimed.
I laughed indeed. Am a relatively healthier person now, I can take the pain and sickness better than this patient who was actually has no more immune resistance to all infection. What shall I fear?

Many of us, especially Buddhists. We claim that we know the death is cannot be avoid and all of us will die a day anyway. We will also learn all types of practices in order to be better stage of mind to face death.
However, when a person who was so ill and going to die, we are so afraid. What we afraid infect not the virus, karmic debtors , spirits or evils. We actually have deep fears of facing death, and not wanting to witness it.

This vivid paints of death happening in front of us. Because it reminded us, a day, we will die the same way.

We will also face the deep inner suffering due to our dilluted confuse minds and souls that are still full of negative emotions, thoughts, angers, attachment and ignorance.

So, I told the dharma sister who was so kind together with me did the prayer for this patient.
“ To have deep faith on the power of impartial deep compassion, nothing and no evils can harm anyone whose heart and mind fill with deep compassion”
-especially in front of person who is going to die. His suffering shall remind us about the death and impermanence. Most important to always keep our hearts and minds to be compassion, be we are Buddhist or non Buddhist. A Buddhist who talk so much about compassion but yet being afraid to face the death and sick person, their hearts are actually more evils that any true evils and karmic debtors surrounding the sick patient.

I deeply thankful to this patient who had passed away last Thursday. He had given me and my friends a true dharma teachings and pointed directly to our minds and hearts. Some may think that we were so compassion that with no fears we dare to making prayers for him However, I think this patient was the real great one. He gave us the mirror to reflect the current nature of our minds and hearts.

9 July 2009
Kuala Lumpur