Archive for March, 2013

Right view: The power of confession

March 31, 2013


Why it is important to have Right View?
It is because it will lead us to confession and resolute not to do bad actions
Therefore, this is called Kindness.

Right view

March 31, 2013


沒有正念, 相信任何信仰也是沒有意義的



If we have no right view, to believe in any faiths is actually pointless

It is just alike the formality of prayer!

Addiction and hunger are two evils

March 31, 2013

Addiction and hunger are two evils that lead us to wrong path! Creating fear and anxiety that destroy our wisdom.

The evil of mind

March 30, 2013

the most dangerous evil on earth is not any faiths, ideologies,
but the evil thought that is born in human mind!


March 30, 2013

Those ill minded people is actually our “saver”
They teach us how to apply Wisdom in life!


March 30, 2013


快樂是享受笑話! 娛樂自己-娛樂他人!

今天觀音誕,觀音娘娘保佑很多人都快樂! 讓笑話讓你笑和喜悅 J


March 27, 2013


生命中最好美妙的事情是在生活中享受夢想, 並遇見心靈精神相通過的同伴.

The most wonderful thing is: we are able to persue our dream and enjoying it in life. Also, meeting the soul mate/ companion who share the same dream
This is something cannot be replace by any material wealth.

Selfless- Formless love

March 27, 2013

vast sea

Love has no forms. Soon we make it into forms. It become conditional love. Selfless love has no form, therefore. its become unconditioned! —

像我們的父母一樣: 感激幸福 Alike our parent: Appreciate happiness

March 26, 2013


像我們的父母一樣: 感激幸福




Alike our parent: Appreciate happiness
Happiness is very simple
Happiness, when you know that he/she is truly, faithful love , care and respect to you. Even you are not perfect
Sense of love and responsibility

Pemergian seorang pemimpin ulung Parti Komunis Malaya: Suriani Abdullah/Eng Ming Ching-应敏钦

March 23, 2013
Pemergian seorang pemimpin ulung Parti Komunis Malaya: Suriani Abdullah/Eng Ming Ching-应敏钦
March 12, 2013

Pemergian seorang pemimpin ulung Parti Komunis Malaya: Suriani Abdullah/Eng Ming Ching

Lee Siew Hwa


Suriani Abdullah/Eng Ming Ching – anak perempuan dan ibu kepada tanah air tercinta telah meninggal dunia pada 21 Mac 2013 – di Ban Chulaborn 12, wilayah Sukhirin, selatan negara Thai.

Pada tahun 2002, sewaktu saya memulakan dokumentasi sejarah lisan wanita sosialis berhaluan kiri ( gerakan pelajar, buruh dan parti sosialis) yang berkecimpung di dalam perjuangan menegakkan demokrasi terutama pada tahun-tahun 1950 –  1970. Saya terjumpa seorang pejuang wanita yang ulung lagi luar biasa yang telah menjadi sebahagian sejarah anti-penjajah untuk mendapatkan kemerdekaan dan itu telah benar2 mencetus pemikiran saya secara mendalam.

Beliau merupakan seorang bekas aktivis pelajar, penyelaras buruh dan juga seorang pemimpin di Parti Komunis Malaya. Beliau serta  ramai pemimpin/kader telah menetap di Ban Chulaborn 12, wilayah Sukhirin selatan Thai selepas persetujuan damai tercapai pada tahun 1989.

Perkara yg membuat beliau sebegitu menerujakan saya adalah pendirian/ perjuangan beliau terhadap pembebasan Malaya dari penjajahan fascis  Jepun dan juga imperialis British.

Perang  pembebasan yang telah mereka lancarkan di dalam hutan bagi membela/membebaskan  Malaya  dari cengkaman penjajahan telah berlarutan bertahun-tahun demi pembebasan rakyat dari kezaliman pihak penjajah.

Secara rasminya,  catatan  sejarah Malaysia dan  penjajah British telah  mencatatkan perjuangan ini sebagai sebuah ‘keganasan’ dan mendakwa bahawa mereka adalah” pengganas”  yang mahu mengambil alih Malaya.

Yang sebenarnya,  mereka ini adalah rakyat patriotik Malaya dan Singapura  yang telah bangun melancarkan peperangan pembebasan tanah air dari kekecaman penjajahan. Malaya yang telah merdeka hari ini mungkin tidak akan wujud tanpa perang yang telah dilancarkan terhadap penjajah oleh PKM.

Hari ini, 21 Mar 2013, adalah hari pemergiannya arwah  ibu/rakan Suriani Abdullah. Penghormatan tertinggi kami untuk beliau dan juga kepada semua yang telah terlibat, mereka telah memberikan seluruh kehidupan dan nyawa buat kebebasan tanah air ini. ‘Makcik’ – jiwamu sentiasa dengan kami. Semuga roh mu dicucuri. Kami tidak akan sekali-kali melupakan jasa-jasamu – wahai negarawan ibu yang telah mencurahkan kasih dan pengorbanan besar kepada negara tanpa berbelah bagi. Semuga roh mu dicucuri. Sejarah, adalah hakim terbaik buat keadilan.

The passing of  extraordinary  leader of Communist Party Malaya :Suriani Abdullah/’Eng Ming Ching’/应敏钦.: The patriotic daughter and mother of this land:

21 March 2012-Ban Chulabhorn 12 in Sukhirin, southern Thailand.

In year 2002, when I  started to conduct the oral history  documentation of  the socialist left women who were participated in the Democratic struggle especially during the time of 1950-70.

I found and met a very rare, extraordinary female revolutionary fighter figure   that was part of the past  anti colonial independent struggle that deeply strike my mind. She was ex students activists, labour organizer and also the leader of Communist Party Malaya, Suriani Abdullah < in Chinese:  >.She and other CPM leaders/cadre  reside at the  Ban Chulabhorn 12 in Sukhirin, southern Thailand  since after the peace accord in year 1989.

What really make her surprise for me is that her conviction to the  liberation of the nation to free from the Japanese and British Colonial. The wars that they waged in the jungle to defend this land of Malaya for ages for the cause of the nation and people to  be free from cruelty hands of colonizers.

The  Malaysia official state and British colonial history  portrayed this struggle a s “terrorism” and claimed that these are aggressors that wanted to take over Malaya.

As in real, these people of Malaya and  Singapore who  had waged the war in the jungle were the patriotic who defended the land of Malaya and Sigapore from the hands of  colonialistion.

The independent of Malaya may not come even if these wars against colonialisation were not being wage.

Today 21 March 2013, the passing of  Suriani Abdullah – Our deepest salute to her and the rest of them who have given their whole life for the  independent liberation of this nation.

“Makcik” ,Your  spirits will be always  with us. May you rest in peace. We will not forget you –  alike our mother who had nurtured  this  land with your selfless love and sacrifice  May you rest in peace and history is the best judgments in the truth of justice.

Ps: More URL about their struggle and life at southern Thailand:

About Suriani Abdulla and Regime 10:
