“Without freedom, humans are not human- I shall fight for freedom until my last breath”- Somyot Pruksakasemsuk from Holding cell, Crime Suppression Division, Bangkok 8.30 am, May 2, 2011

Source: Lek Junya

Source: Lek Junya

On 30 April 2011, again another political arrest to pro democracy activist/ known labour activist in Thailand..Somyos Phrueksakasemsuk

The person is a long time labor activist who has been involved in the pro democracy movement, who believe that workers rights/movement is un separate able from the struggle for guinea democracy.

On 29 April 2011, he and other members of Democracy Net work had express their stands of submitting the 10,000 signatures to call for abolish of Lese Majeste law , as its against principle of freedom of expression.

It is gathering 10,000 signatures to revoke Article 112 through Parliament as allowed by the constitution

According to Somyot in the press conference that was held yesterday in Bangkok , Democracy Network are campaigning to abolish the lèse majesté law, or Article 112 of the Criminal Code, as it has been politically abused

– As the National election suppose to come soon in June 2011. There are increasing actions of crackdown to dissenting voices since weeks ago:such as:

– 1) closure of the community radio and arrest of the person in charge

– 2) increasing use of Lese Majeste Law/ Criminal code –article 112 to arrest academician , pro democracy activists and also UDD key leaders

– 3) Implementation of curfew in the key areas of protest in Bangkok

All these are signs of the strong signal and intention of the current military back Thai government is not going to respect a free and fair election and also keen on reconciliation for peace. These brutal actions on the crackdown the pro democracy forces has showed that coming election seem to be a :window show” of “democracy” that they want to show to the world.

It is common that all the fascist state in the world, when their power are in threat, they will do all types of suppression before the so called “ democracy-parliamentary election”. In fact, they had put all their opponents either in jail, or force to be in exile or afraid to speak. Therefore, these hostile behaviors had showed that they are not keen to build peace via peaceful manner and respect the rule of democracy.

Hence, it is time for the international community to voices its protest to the arrest of Somyot and also to demand guinea democracy to be in place and military should not intervene in politics and misused of the Lese Majeste law.Also it is time to abolish the Lese Najeste Law/CC Article 112 that against the basic human rights of Freedom of Expression and Thoughts!

Here is the letter from prison written from Somyot- 2 May 2011:

“I would not be the last victim as long as we are still trapped in the rule which is essentially a dictatorship, but is falsely portrayed as a democracy to the world. I shall fight for freedom until my last breath. I may agree to shed my freedom, but not my humanity.” Somyot Pruksakasemsuk Holding cell, Crime Suppression Division, Bangkok 8.30 am, May 2, 2011

Short Bio about Somyot:
Somyot Pruksakasemsuk says:” I wanna sacrifice my liberty, but not my humanity! “ ( the written declaration was being written ,before he was detained on 26 May 2010, Bangkok,Thailand)
Read Here:

Read here, the latest news of arrest of Somyot Phrueksakasemsuk .
Somyos: without freedom, humans are not human
Mon, 02/05/2011 – 14:28 | by prachataiDSI arrests key red-shirt member

Lawyer seeks bail for Somyot

Democracy Network campaign for 10,000 signatures to repeal lèse majesté law

“Fascism” and the Thai state

Arrest of Somyos Pruksakasemsuk

press statement of the 112 (lese majeste law) awareness campaign -a group who call upon the amendment of the law. and stop misused of the LML as a tool to suppress dissenting voices

19 Responses to ““Without freedom, humans are not human- I shall fight for freedom until my last breath”- Somyot Pruksakasemsuk from Holding cell, Crime Suppression Division, Bangkok 8.30 am, May 2, 2011”

  1. jang changweon Says:

    free Somyot Pruksakasemsuk

  2. APWSL Says:

    long live international soildarety Somyot Pruksakasemsuk

  3. Call Upon International Community for Oppose violations to citizen’s rights and freedom of throught by the uses of “lese majeste” law (With the latest case of the arrest of Mr. Somyot Preuksakasemsuk) « Trinleychodron's Blog Says:

    […] about his arrest: “Without freedom, humans are not human- I shall fight for freedom until my last breath”- Somyot … Proposed amendments to the law on defamation of the King, the Queen, the Heir-apparent and the […]

  4. Graham Bond Says:

    free Somyot Pruksakasemsuk

  5. pusulari.narayanaswami Says:

    iam seriously condem arrests of human rights activists,our union will support all struggles againist arrests of human rights actvists

    • trinleychodron Says:

      Thanks so much for your strong solidarity and support!!
      We will keep you update and posted.
      Would u be keen to receive update from the arrest of Somyot?

  6. Ronald Ian Evidente Says:

    Condemn the and grant the immediate freedom of Somyot Pruksakasemsuk, Free all political detainees worldwide!

    • trinleychodron Says:

      Thanks for your strong solidarity!!
      Please support the call for release somyot by signing the online petition here:

      or send the letter to the Thai government

      see the sample here:

      Prime Minister Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva
      c/o Government House
      Pitsanulok Road, Dusit District
      Bangkok 10300
      Fax: + 662 282 8631/280 1589/629 8213
      Tel. + 662 280 1404/3000
      Email: abhisit@abhisit.org, public@democrat.or.th ,

      Your Excellency Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva,

      We in the international Community are shocked to hear news of the re-arrest of Somyot Pruksakasemsuk and are very concerned for his safety in the prison.

      I write to ask you for the immediate release of Somyot Pruksakasemsuk who was arrested on 30th April 2011 and is currently being held at Klong Prem Central Prison, in Bangkok.

      We know Somyot Pruksakasemsuk through his work for the international trade union movement and we have been active in the campaign in 2010 to release him from Adisorn Army base in Saraburi. We have come to know him as a loyal Thai citizen who is strongly committed to Human Rights in his role as an independent journalist and academic promoting freedom of speech.

      We understand that Somyot was arrested on a charge of defaming, insulting and threatening the King, Queen and heir apparent (Section112 of the Penal Code) a charge which he fully denies. He also was not aware that any arrest warrant had previously been issued and strongly denies any claim that he resisted arrest.
      We were informed by Somyot Pruksakasemsuk from a letter written by him in prison on 2 May 2011. He believes that his arrest was due to the effort by him and other pro democracy activists to collect the 10,000 signatures needed to table for a repeal of section 112 of the Criminal Code/Lese Majeste Law in parliament. This action was done in a peaceful manner and according to the procedure prescribed by the 2007 Constitution.

      We are concerned about the current state of human rights and democracy in Thailand, where even peaceful and legal methods to express one’s views are suppressed and denied.

      We believe that the country should move towards a genuine reconciliation in good faith and intention from all sides. Therefore any dissident voice should not be brutally suppressed, particularly prior to a national election. The arrest of Somyot for his peaceful activity will deter this process.

      We further understand that the Criminal Court agreed with the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) to extend the detention of Somyot for another twelve days, something we believe to be an unacceptable abuse of Somyot’s human rights. Please urgently respond to this request for the immediate release of Somyot to allow him to organise his response to the charges against him.

      Yours faithfully


  7. omsak Says:

    free Somyot Pruksakasemsuk

    • trinleychodron Says:

      Thanks for your solidarity!!
      Please support the call for release somyot by signing the online petition here:

      or send the letter to the Thai government

      see the sample here:

      Prime Minister Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva
      c/o Government House
      Pitsanulok Road, Dusit District
      Bangkok 10300
      Fax: + 662 282 8631/280 1589/629 8213
      Tel. + 662 280 1404/3000
      Email: abhisit@abhisit.org, public@democrat.or.th ,

      Your Excellency Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva,

      We in the international Community are shocked to hear news of the re-arrest of Somyot Pruksakasemsuk and are very concerned for his safety in the prison.

      I write to ask you for the immediate release of Somyot Pruksakasemsuk who was arrested on 30th April 2011 and is currently being held at Klong Prem Central Prison, in Bangkok.

      We know Somyot Pruksakasemsuk through his work for the international trade union movement and we have been active in the campaign in 2010 to release him from Adisorn Army base in Saraburi. We have come to know him as a loyal Thai citizen who is strongly committed to Human Rights in his role as an independent journalist and academic promoting freedom of speech.

      We understand that Somyot was arrested on a charge of defaming, insulting and threatening the King, Queen and heir apparent (Section112 of the Penal Code) a charge which he fully denies. He also was not aware that any arrest warrant had previously been issued and strongly denies any claim that he resisted arrest.
      We were informed by Somyot Pruksakasemsuk from a letter written by him in prison on 2 May 2011. He believes that his arrest was due to the effort by him and other pro democracy activists to collect the 10,000 signatures needed to table for a repeal of section 112 of the Criminal Code/Lese Majeste Law in parliament. This action was done in a peaceful manner and according to the procedure prescribed by the 2007 Constitution.

      We are concerned about the current state of human rights and democracy in Thailand, where even peaceful and legal methods to express one’s views are suppressed and denied.

      We believe that the country should move towards a genuine reconciliation in good faith and intention from all sides. Therefore any dissident voice should not be brutally suppressed, particularly prior to a national election. The arrest of Somyot for his peaceful activity will deter this process.

      We further understand that the Criminal Court agreed with the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) to extend the detention of Somyot for another twelve days, something we believe to be an unacceptable abuse of Somyot’s human rights. Please urgently respond to this request for the immediate release of Somyot to allow him to organise his response to the charges against him.

      Yours faithfully


  8. Free Somyot Pruksakasemsuk! « Asia Left Observer Says:

    […] You can find material about Somyot following the link. […]

  9. Liberté pour Somyot Prueksakasemsuk « Extrême Asie Says:

    […] Vous pouvez trouver des informations sur Somyot en cliquant sur ce lien […]

  10. kontaired Says:

    Free Somyot ASAP.

  11. Padmini Weerasuriya Says:

    Free Somyot Pruksakasemsuk!

  12. Sriya Ahangamage Says:

    Free Somyot Pruksakasemsuk in the name of democracy and freedom!

  13. Thai labor leader arrested Says:

    […] Without freedom, humans are not human (Trinleychodron) […]

  14. Raymond M athiesen Says:

    Free Somyot Pruksakasemsuk!

  15. Michelle Says:

    Thoughts and prayers are with you always.

  16. Chris McMahon Says:

    Do you know where Somyot is currently being held. I am in Thailand at present and would like to try to visit him. Chris McMahon

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